I love you..Always have..Always will..
Monday, April 28, 2008
I love you..Always have..Always will..
Hannah:I know.
Me:Am I the last to know??I'm not going d..
Me:I'm not going d..
Hannah:U went home already mah..Steph told us..
Me:Still not going..
Me:Feeling rebellious..=))
Man..conversations like these are those that keep me alive..bunch of craps(maybe) but it keep me happy..I'm easily satisfied which means I'm also easily annoyed!!So yeah..Hannah is a great friend..even though she likes to hit my leg for dunno what fantastic yet crazy reason..haiz..Life is good..for now..
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Why can't I just just keep my heart to myself??
Man..He was good to me and he's a Christian and he acts and look every bit like a gentleman..He help me in every way when I was working in Sunway..He talks to me and he was telling how comfortable he was when talking to me and *ahem ahem*(all the sweet juicy mushy line)..I was ready to maybe give him a try and then..IT HAPPENED!!
I really dunno how those people who hurt people actually carry on with their life..I mean don't they feel guilty??ashamed?? or is it some sort of game to them??I'm so bloody pissed and good thing I haven't started anything yet..if not I would feel even worse now!!Good thing I'm no longer working in Sunway..If not I dunno how am I supposed to faced him..or him to me..He call himself a Christian??
I don't want to hear any of your well revised explaination!!U shouldn't have done this to me!!Thanks God SHE doesn't know it yet!!!If not I'll feel even worse..just leave me alone please!!!
You told me you were different from other guys..You're definitely different..You're worse than many by a mile!!!Man..the line never judge a book by its cover is really ON you. I wish you will just go back to your country and totally leave the girls here alone..
Everyone thinks your nice and if I really took your advice and added you on friendster one day later..what a joke I'll be..You've been lying straight to my face for two long months..I feel so sick of You and of myself for not seeing the real You..
I'm so pissed at You..But I'm even more pissed at myself!!
I'll get over you..eventually..
Youth Alpha..
Hey..I went to the youth alpha launching+ Planet Shakers concert on the 12th of April in FGA KL with a few of my fellow friends and Larry(youth leader).Good thing we actually reserved place and get to walk pass all those standing outside for a long time(sad really).They stamped a date on all our hands and we got a wrist band(for those who reserve early).Many came and had to stand in the overflow and watch the whole thing from the television..because the place couldn't take in that much people.

the ink was really hard to wash off..The wrist band was limited..
So I think the ink on my hand was worth it la(to get the wrist band)
After the powerful worship session.. Jamie Haith came up to speak.He did something totally funny..He loked at the television and had he's own private moment with those in the overflow and then he ask us to turn to the person sitting next to us and tell them that "they looked very nice today"..we(me and hannah) look at each other and started laughing..but in the end we got the greeting out la..
He spoke on being followers of God..Using the bible as our guide..He used the example of her daughter sticking her hand on the window..thats was the funniest..there was another bout him watching a movie with her daughter too.. and he cuddle up to her daughter which ended with her daughter telling him(quite loudly).."dad!!Why cant U just be normal??"lol lol LOL...
But the thing we learn on that day..he say that if we don't remember anything else..we only have to remember this..
Follow me..
I will send You..
Then Planet Shaker came up and lead us to sing the song JUMP AROUND..Hannah was so hyper..reasons are because she got it right and she wants to jumped!!We sang and jumped till we were so tired..Hannah even gone deaf for awhile after the whole thing..the music was loud..we were seated quite front and so we have to bear with the LOUD music..
The whole thing ended quite early..And I actually went and line up to get a shirt for my friends birthday..Man..It was so very hot..and everyone was red in the face(those lining up to get shirts la)..
I think that the words written on the shirt..
We all went home and bath and sleep la..got to go church the next day le..

The camera on my phone at that time was not a good type..and so I will not embarassed myself further by uploading the rest of the photos..
Hope this was good enough for U Nicholas..
I like the pictures from your camera la..
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Q and A..hahahahaha
1.Your ex is on the side of the road, on fire. What do you do?
Of course I'll get down and try my best to help him la..
2.Your best friend tells you she is pregnant. What is your reaction?
3.When is the last time you wanted to punch someone in their face?
Punching in the face??I don't want to hurt my own hand la..killing is easier..
4.Congratulations! You just had a son. What’s his name?
I would love to name him Cedric.(not yet)
5.Congratulations! You just had a daughter. What’s her name?
Caroline sounds nice..=)
6.What are you craving right now?
Another minute with Nicholas??(lol)
7.What was the last thing you cried about?
SPM result...
8.When you buy something and your change is a penny. Do you keep it?
I'll put it in my pocket and I usually forget bout it..
9.What color is your tissue box?
10.Do you have a ceiling fan in your room, and if so, is there dust on that fan?
Nope..My maid clean it every week..
11.What is the last voicemail you received about?
I refuse to post it on the blog!!!=)) (all I can say is that my heart melts after I hear it)
12.Scariest thing you’ve experienced in the last year?
13.what do you order when you go to Taco Bell?
It sounds familiar..but dunno la
14.Have you ever had a garage sale?
Nope..I treasure ALL my stuff..
15.Has anyone ever spat in your drink and you drank it unknowingly?
Hmm...all my friends are nice..in other words..they're not that bad!!
16.Are you happy right now?
Of course..its my BIRTHDAY!!!
Nicholas(yesterday) with his brother,Stephen and his brother's fiancee.
18.What is your reaction when you find out you just got pranked?
Depends how bad the prank is and who did it la..
19.Have your brothers or sisters ever told you that you were adopted?
Err..no..but I've told them..lol
20.Dark or light jeans?
21.What was the last movie you watched at home?
Step up 2.
22.What is in your pocket?
Nothing..I have small pocket..
23.Who hooked you up with your girlfriend/ boyfriend?
My primary school teacher..Pn Fong..hahaha
My head..got headache la..
25.What is your favorite aisle at Wal-Mart?
26.When is your birthday?
Today..19th April
27.What are you going to do after this?
Going to Sunway Lagoon to have fun..Its my birthday wert.
28. Who was the last person you went shopping with?
My mom. For my handphone.
29.What about your favorite dessert?
No favourite.
30.Do you have the same name as one of your relatives?
Err..nope..I'm very UNIQUE..rite Zen??
32.Do you like pickles?
No way!!
33.Is someone in love with you?
Yes..Shirley just told me and Zen too..I know it as a fact..rite Zen dear??lol..
34.What color is your couch?
35.Has anyone ever mistaken you for a family member?
36.Does someone like you right now?
I think so..
37.Do you know anyone in jail / prison?
38.Do you like the color green?
39.How many hours did you sleep for last night?
2 hours..Was chatting with Nicholas..
40.Do you swear at your parents?
Not straight to the face la..
I sure Zen is..And so is Nicholas..
I tag..
Min Shen
Yee Chinn
If you get more than 30 I strongly
recommend some counseling!
If you get more than 20 you’re
If you get 11-20 then you are normal.
If you get 10 or less you’re
People who don’t have any are full of
I Fear…
[] The dark
[x] Staying alone forever
[ ] Being a parent
[ ] Giving birth
[x] Being myself in front of others(sometimes)
[ ] Open spaces
[] closed spaces
[x] Heights
[ ] Black cats
[ ] Big hairy arses
Total so far: 3
[ ] Birds
[ ] Fish
[ ] Spiders
[ ] Flowers or other plants
[ ] Being touched
[ ] Fire
[] Deep water
[ ] Lakes
[ ] Silk
[ ] The ocean
Total so far: 3
[ x] Failure
[ ] Success
[ ] Thunder/lightning
[ ] Frogs/toads
[] My boyfriends/girlfriends dad
[] My boyfriends/girlfriends mum
[ ] Mice/Rats
[] Jumping from high places
[ ] Snow
[ ] Rain
Total so far: 4
[ ] Wind
[x] Cross hanging bridges
[ ] Death
[ ] Heaven
[x] Being robbed
[x] Falling
[ ] Clowns
[ ] Large crowds of people
[ ] Men
[ ] Women
Total so far: 7
[x] Having great responsibilities
[ ] Doctors, including Dentists
[] Tornadoes
[] Hurricanes
[x] Incurable diseases
[x] Venomous Snakes
[x] Sharks
[ ] Friday the 13th
[ ] Ghosts
[ ] Poverty
Total so far: 11
[ ] Halloween
[ ] School
[ ] Trains
[ ] Odd numbers
[ ] Even numbers
[x] Being alone
[] Becoming blind
[ ] Becoming deaf
[ ] Growing up
[ ] monsters under my bed
Total so far: 12
[] Creepy noises in the night
[x] Bee stings
[x] Not accomplishing my dreams/goals
[ ] Needles
[] Dinosaurs if they were alive
[ ] The welcome mat
[] High speeds
[ ] Throwing up
[ ] Falling in love
My Total: 15
21 out of 70 common fears”
I tag..
2.Cheryl May
4.Yee Chinn
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
I'm happy
We took quite a long time(A very long time)..my brother even say that if I don't make up my mind soon..he will kill me..(Cant blame him..he's so tired after the alpha thing on Sat). And finally I decided on the Sony Erisson K810i..Thanks to Zen, Shirley and Min Shen..They keep telling me how good Sony is and blah blah blah...But the only surprise is that I bought the K-series and not the W-series that I keep saying that I want to buy..

K810i..my pride and joy!!!
These are the best present that I've received it my lifespan of 18 years!!!Thanks Mummy and Daddy!!!=))
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
On the 29th of March..my family and I return to Raub for "cheng beng".We went out for dinner because my aunt got a big bonus(When I say big,I meant BIG).And so we were treated to a 8 course dinner(the last two were desserts-so it doesn't count).My family and I were told to skip lunch so that we can finish the dinner...
We went for dinner at around 8pm and while in the car with my favourite uncle because the Camry(the newest modal) is already full(not fair-i never get a chance to sit in it yet) and my dad's car is already filled with all my cousins(annoying but lovable brats).It took us about half an hours to get there!!So we end up talking bout politics in the car!!(not that I mind).We went on and on until my aunt suggest that I change my ambition and go into politic instead!!(time to shut up)
We reach there and to our horror-there was a some sort of celebration inside and we have to have our dinner OUTSIDE!I sat with my other girl cousins and(to my dismay) Alex(my cousin who is the same age as me sat at the other table(two tables as usual!!).And since I can't talk to him..so I spend almost the entire time teasing my cousin who is currently having her fourth boyfriend with my other cousins..Man..It was kinda fun..
And then food..they were great!!!tasty and totally worth the starvation..My cousin knows that I love prawns..and when she saw the way I was removing the "shell" of the prawn(I was using fork and spoon-not my hand)..She tease and say that she already finish two before i get to eat one..And later..
She was about to call the lady to packed it up..when..
My cousin:No need la..Eunice can finish it up..
Me:What???(that was the 7th dish d le..)
There was about 8-9 prawns left(I've already taken 5!!!)..goodness..But I managed to finish it- sharing with one of my cousin *phew*.she even took pictures of it!!!And she make me promised to post it in the blog!!!(Don't ask me how!!)
So here are they...

Not very impressive..she's studying hospitality and tourism le..

(of course la..I already broke one nail le..)

Done..I took 15 seconds..They even timed me!!!

And so I get to celebrate my birthday long before its even here...great surprise!!!
the bully
Thursday, April 3, 2008
1. At what age do you wish to be married?
Hmm...depends on when my other half wanna propose to me la..lol(not too late tho..giving birth late is not very wise)
2. If you were to be stranded on a deserted island, who are the 3 blog buddies you’d take and why?
1.Yen Ping!!She's real tough and fun..I won't have to worry bout where to sleep and what to eat..she will take care of ALL it..She's very organized!!!
2.Min Shen!!Well..I'm sure to panic and her scolding is the only known remedy to counter it..She's sarcastic too..this would be fun!!(but i do wonder if I will panic or will SHE??)LOL
3.Ella!!She's real cheeky..and it would be fun to have someone who MIGHT enjoy being stranded on an island..think of all the adventure and island trekking we could do..(we might not want to be saved!!=)
3. Where is the place that you want to go the most?
Venice!!A place where we have to use a boat as the only means of transport to go almost anywhere!!
4. If you can have 1 dream to come true, what would it be?
I wanna be more responsible.(so my parents don't have to always worry bout me)
5. Do you believe you can survive without money?
Hmm...Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word from the mouth of God!!So err..I think I might..but its gonna be real tough!!!
6. What are you afraid to lose the most?
My humility and everything and everyone I care about..
7. If you win $1 million, what would you do?
Use it to cover my expenses to study law so that I can be a lawyer!=)
8. If you meet someone that you love, would you confess to him/her?
9. List out 3 good points of the person who tagged you.
1. She's straight forwards...speaks her mind..
2.Fun and outgoing-met her only once but she sure leaves marks and footprints in my mind and heart!!!
3.Have faith in God-trust the Lord with all her heart..(at least that what I gather from all her blog post and others)
*she's has lots of good point la..I just have to take the time to get to know her*hint hint*
10. What are the requirements that you wish from your other half?
Love,loyalty and respect.(love for God is most important)
11. Which type of person do you hate the most?
I just dislike..People who wanna control me and people who pretend in front of me!!
12. If you are given the chance to go back to the past and make a difference, will you?
Used to want to but now..NOPE..I'm who I am now because of all those mistakes and trials..Wouldn't change a single thing!!
13. What is the thing that will make you think he/she is bad?
Hmm...don't judge so that ye be not judged!!Should I say more??
14. What do you think is the most important thing in your life?
MOST??God!!!definitely HIM!!
15. Are you a shopaholic or not?
16. If you have a chance, which part of your character you would like to change?
Plenty..but if i change than I won't be who I am..But i do wish i can be more responsible!!
17. Who are the persons that you can share all your problems with?
Min Shen,Yen Ping, and Soo Yee(used to..she's too busy with her life now-she's going to get married wert)
18. What’s your weakest point?
Hmm...weakest??Not very sure..must go ask Yen ping!!(sometimes weakest point can be our strongest point!!So I really AM not sure)
19. What’s the thing that you’re most proud of?
Being to carry myself this far in life!!!
20.What do you think of sarcasm and irony?
Hmm...I think sarcasm is cool(sometimes)..Irony??Maybe!!
1.Min Shen
2.Yen Ping