Best birthday...EVER!!!
(Sorry..I know its late..sorry is it..)My birthday in Sunway Lagoon..on 19th April 2008
This year my mom has kindly treated me and a few of my friends(Ella,Shirley,Xiang Ping,Zen-li,Elaine,Yen ping and Felicia) to Sunway Lagoon..I was so very excited that I couldn't sleep much the night before.
We went on the roller coaster and the colorado splash 1st.Me and Ella sat right at the front and it was really fun.US shouting for fun and not of fear..On the colorado splash,we each pick a different partner and SADLY it wasn't as fun as last time..We din get to sit on the slide that comes out from the snake mouth,it was under mantainance.Ella keep saying that she wanted them to pay us back..saying that it isn't fair and everything..
Then we went on the river rapid-I was with Ella,Shirley and Zen!!Its was so unfair that I was the only one getting wet on that ride..Both Zen and Shirley say that its because it was my birthday mah..birthday girl sure must get wet la said Shirley.Me being ME, couldn't accept that fact la..So we went on another ride..and guess what??Bingo!!I got wet again..they all were pratically all dry..Geramnya!!!
Anyway..we got tired of that ride and went for the the Lost City of Gold.I went on this with Zen-li.And later before the ride started,Xiang Ping,Ella and Zen sang Happy birthday song for me right there on the ride..The person that jaga the ride even wish me Happy Birthday!!When the ride started,it started moving slowly at 1st and so I ended up showing Zen one of the gift I got for my birthday.
Me:Hey,look at what XXX gave me for my birthday??
Zen:Wah..(something else..don't remember but it was some compliments la..)
I was grinning like mad..
Zen:Y are you telling me this HERE??
Me:U look scared(of the ride) mah..
Zen: Ya nice of youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..........
We went down on the roller coaster then..hahahahahaha
Then later we went for the pirate ship(360 degree turn)..(Only me,Shirley,Elaine and Xiang Ping went on it)..the others chicken was very brave..And so,for all those who thought they heard me screaming on that ride..your minds are playing tricks on you..get it examined k??LOL
Then we went for the spinning cups..round and round and round..we were all dizzy..some of us cant even walk properly..and I did something totally mad..I thanked the man for the ride..thinking back now..I must be nuts..thanking him for giving me headache??WOW!!
Lastly..We went on the Tomahawk..We need to wait for quite a while..and I partner Zen again this time.For this ride,Zen and I decided to hold hands and see who grip the hardest..I did..Of course I did..I was the stronger was not because I was afraid k??trust me..haha
And then we went to the water park for lunch..The food was okay but bloody expensive.We rested for quite a while before moving to the pool side.We swam for a while and had a bit of fun in the pool before moving to the slides.We went on different slide with different partners..I even had a bet with Xiang Ping to see who can scream the loudest..I lost..Hers was so very high pitch since the beginning..I scream in a low pitch at 1st then only did I gradually move higher..Sob sobs..
Then later,they tried to cheer me up(I was in a bad mood over something) by asking me to go on the slide with the mat..It was fun but I didn't want to show or admit that I was having fun(so like me right??)so I just scowl..i did admit to Zen the second ride..I was okay d..On the second ride,We had a race to see who can go the furthest.I sliped..malunya..But I won that because I got up and threw myself with a bigger force down that lol lol
We went to the man-made beach and I tried to trip Zen and in the end she trip me and fell on top off me..I was press into the water and drank alot of water..serve me right actually..Later,after swimming and playing for a while..I craved my name and Zen's on one of the poles there..We left our mark there.hehe
Later,I ask for some water from Ella and she ask me whether haven't I had enough from the pool??I feel like killing her!!We took photos,cleaned up and went home..
Some photos taken there..
Thanks all for coming ya..=))
That night,At my house..
Shirley and her family came over for dinner,We watch Taxi and laugh our heart out..And half way through the show..I decided to open my presents..I left the one Min Shen,Zen-li and Hannah bought for last..And..(I'm glad I did)
They bought me ECLIPSE!!
I couldn't believe my eyes..I practically scream the house down!!!I was so happy!!!So very Happy!!!
Then,cake time...
Then,cake time...
And after the singing of birthday songs..They went home..Thanks all for the best birthday ever!!!
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